The global health sector continues to face new challenges due to ongoing pandemic which dominates health care system’s attention and resources. They continue to rise the human experience of their workforce and reshaping the tasks performed. Advancements in medical science continue to emphasize upon acquiring scientific based knowledge and provision of evidenced based care in the clinical setting to increase the life expectancy and to reduce morbidities. They continue to address the issue of underprivileged health care systems and acute shortage of professional nurses in developing countries like Pakistan. SIUT, the first leading teaching learning hospital identified the issues of increased burden of diseases and compromised care in Pakistan. They took the initiative to uplift nursing and nursing profession by providing free of cost quality education based on scientific knowledge to students; irrespective of caste, creed and culture.
SIUT, school of nursing established in year 2006, commenced its first certified 06 months training program of Health Care Assistants (HCA), who provided evidenced based holistic care to the patients in hospital setting. After its success, school of nursing moved towards initiating 03 years General Nursing Diploma Program in year 2007. This diploma program qualifies students to take the licensure exam of Sindh Nurses Examination Board (SNEB). This enables the graduates to practice as qualified Registered Nurses (RN) not only in Pakistan but also worldwide. Uptill now, SIUT has qualified 432 Health Care Assistants (HCA) and 153 General Nursing Diploma students respectively.
Inequities in the health care delivery system and increased burden of non-communicable chronic diseases is another major concern of health care industry and especially in Pakistan. Therefore, it is very important for organizations to realize that they must close the gaps in health disparities and advocate for change, so that underprivileged people can have access to health care. SIUT, played a major role in overcoming the structural flaws which prevented certain segments of the populations to receive health care. With the further expansion of health care services in underprivileged areas, SIUT also expanded its academic programs by initiating its first 2 years trainee technician diploma program in year 2019 and till now 102 trainee technicians have been qualified.
SIUT is strongly committed to alleviate health disparities and to the professional upliftment of nurses and nursing profession. Thus, paying a major contribution towards the success of our nation.