September 28, 2024
At the request of the Department of Quality Assurance at SIUT, CBEC in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) organized workshops to celebrate Patient Safety Day that falls on September 17. This year’s theme was “Improving diagnosis for patient safety” with the slogan “Get it right, make it safe!” The two workshops that ran concurrently therefore highlighted patient safety related to lab diagnostics. Such workshops are essential to enhance ethical awareness.
How to Culture Ethics: Professionalism and Patient Safety in the Lab
Dr. Natasha Anwar (standing, picture on right), a molecular biologist, CBEC alumnus, and Associate Faculty at CBEC, led this workshop emphasizing the importance of ethics in laboratory practices and its direct impact on patient care. The workshop highlighted that ensuring high standards of patient safety starts with cultivating a strong ethical culture and professionalism in lab settings. Attended by profession- als from various institutions in Karachi, including medical technologists, pathologists, and researchers, the workshop used cases to illustrate ethical issues and the consequences of unsafe laboratory practices on patient safety.
Understanding Medical Error
Medical error is a leading cause of death globally, yet the fear of humiliation, reputational damage, and potential repercus- sions often hinder its identification and disclosure. In order to shed light on this, the workshop focused on clarifying concep- tual definitions of error, negligence and malpractice under the banner of patient safety. Dr. Nida Wahid Bashir (standing, picture on left), with Dr. Bushra Shirazi assisting, led this workshop and explored the ethical dimension of medical error and highlighted the importance of the development of robust systems in dealing with medical error and negligence. Partici- pants included physicians and medical technologists both from within SIUT and other institutions from Karachi.