Category Archives: Upcoming


Guidelines for Internship

We are currently not accepting any new applicants.

The Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), SIUT is offering internship opportunities to high school students (all boards including Intermediate, A levels, and others, grade 11 and above).

The objective is to provide an opportunity to spend time in a bioethics centre, participate in learning activities, and interact with the faculty. The focus of this internship is to introduce the students to ethics through a structured one-week program.
The internship aims to:

  • Provide students with a broad introduction to ethics
  • Engage in a dialogue considering diverse perspectives and viewpoints
  • Introduce relevant ethical issues through different modalities
  • Introduce the concept of ethical dilemma with the identification of stakeholders and values involved

This internship program does NOT include any exposure to hospital activities or interactions with patients.

Dates: July 1-5, 2024

Timings: 10 am to 4 pm

Venue: CBEC, 7th Floor, Transplant Tower, SIUT, Karachi

Deadline: June 7, 2024

Interested applicants should complete and submit the application form. Click here for the form.

Requirements for Selected Candidates

  • Punctuality and on-site attendance are required.
  • Interns must complete all assigned tasks within the duration of the internship.
  • Interns must maintain a log of their activities and submit a brief activity report before leaving.

Internship letter

At the end of the internship, a letter of completion of the internship will be issued.

Capacity Development

CBEC serves as a resource center for various areas in bioethics. We have conducted workshops and seminars in different medical colleges and healthcare institutions all across the country. Some of the broad areas include:

  • Clinical Ethics
  • Research Ethics
  • Public Health Ethics
  • Bioethics Pedagogy
  • Setting up Ethical Review Committees/ Institutional Review Boards
  • Gender Ethics

These workshops/trainings can be tailored to suit your unique institutional requirements, and target audience. Workshops can be designed specifically for medical students, nurses, physicians at various levels as well as the general public. Trainings can be conducted physically, and online as well.
Examples of topics that we have conducted workshops on include Conflict of Interest in the area of healthcare, Research Ethics 101, Ethical Issues in Behavioral Science Research among many others. For a list of previous workshops/seminars conducted, please click here.

Note that there are no charges for these trainings, keeping in line with our parent institution’s vision of providing healthcare and education free of cost.
For queries regarding workshop/seminars, please reach out to us at

WHO Collaborating Center for Bioethics

The Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), SIUT was designated a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre (CC) for Bioethics in 2017. CBEC was the first CC for Bioethics in the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO) of WHO. At present, there are – WHO CCs for Bioethics, including CBEC, in different regions of the world. These CCs are key institutions serving as essential resources in support of the WHO’s implementation of its ethics mandate. The scientific validity of WHO’s work on ethics is enhanced by ongoing collaboration and dialogue among the CCs.

In August 2021, CBEC entered into its second term as a WHO CC. The Terms of Reference for this collaboration include:

TOR1: To support WHO in strengthening of capacity building activities in public health and research ethics

TOR 2: To assist WHO in developing materials for educational purposes in bioethics and public health ethics

TOR 3: To contribute to networking with other WHO bioethics collaborating centres, institutional partners and experts

  • January 21, 2021 – Dr. Farhat Moazam and Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the WHO Bioethics CCs Network virtual conference.
  • March 2021 – Dr. Farhat Moazam performed an external review of WHO Guidance document “Emergency use of unproven clinical interventions outside research: Ethical considerations”.
  • March 2021 – At the request of EMR Office CBEC produced the report “Mapping of Research Ethics Governance in Pakistan: A Pilot Situation Analysis”. This was submitted for publication in EMHJ in August 2021.
  • April 13, 2021 – Dr. Farhat Moazam and Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the virtual WHO Network of CCs for Bioethics meeting.
  • June 17, 2021 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the virtual Global Network of WHO CCs for Bioethics meeting
  • June 12, 2020 – Dr. Farhat Moazam and Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended a virtual meeting of the Global Network of WHO CCs for Bioethics, the Regional Ethics focal points and HQ Ethics held on June 12, 2020.
  • August 8, 2020 – As part of inter CC collaboration, a teaching session was organized by CBEC on Saturday, August 8, 2020 in which Prof. Keymanthri Moodle (Director Centre of Bioethics and Law, Stellenbosch University SA, a WHO CC) was invited to hold an online session on ‘Critical Care Constraints: Difficult Decisions in LMICs’ for CBEC’s Post Graduate Diploma and Master’s in Bioethics students.
  • September 9 and 11, 2020 – Dr. Farhat Moazam and Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the virtual 13th Global Summit of the NECs.
  • September 25, 2020 – Dr. Farhat Moazam and Dr. Aamir Jafarey were invited to a virtual meeting of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Bioethics, the Regional Ethics focal points.
  • October 14, 2020 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended ‘WHO: Launch of Guidance on Ethics & Vector-borne Diseases and Position Statement on Genetically Modified Mosquitoes’ virtual meeting held at Geneva, Switzerland.
  • November 17, 2020 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the WHO EMRO-RERC virtual meeting held at Cairo, Egypt.
  • December 2020 – In response to a call from WHO HQ, a report was submitted on “Adapting National Research Review Process during Covid-19: Reviewers’ Perspectives from Pakistan”. This report was published as a paper in EMHJ in July 2021.
  • December, 2020 – CBEC-SIUT was invited to assist in the dissemination of WHO’s Ethics & Vector-borne Diseases guidance document, which included conducting three webinars, focusing on EMRO, AFRO and SEARO series, development of a Concept Paper on a film ‘A Tale of Two Worlds’ and translation of the summary of the guideline from English to Urdu. The following three dissemination webinars were organized:
    • December 9, 2020 – “Ethics and Vector-Borne Diseases: WHO Guidance” in collaboration with WHO HQ Geneva and WHO EMRO
    • December 11, 2020 – “Ethics and Vector-Borne Diseases: WHO Guidance” in collaboration with WHO HQ Geneva and WHO regional office for Africa (AFRO)
    • December 17, 2020 – “Ethics and Vector-Borne Diseases: WHO Guidance” in collaboration with WHO HQ Geneva, Western Pacific Regional office of WHO (WPRO), South East Asia Regional office of WHO (SEARO) and Asia-Pacific National Ethics Committee (APNEC)
  • December 2020 (ongoing) – Dr. Farhat Moazam is a member of the working group “Developing WHO Best Practices on Integrating Vaccine Introduction and Research”
  • January 9-10, 2019 – Dr. Farhat Moazam attended the Fourth Meeting of the WHO Collaborating Centres in the Eastern Mediterranean Region held in Muscat, Oman.
  • February 2019 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey represented the Centre in the National Workshop on Collaborating Centres organized by WHO in Islamabad in February 2019. He shared with the other participants the experiences of CBEC as a CC and the process it took to obtain the status of a CC in Bioethics
  • June 24-25, 2019 – CBEC-WHO Conference and Workshop – “Ethical Deceased Organ and Tissue Donor Programs and the Role of Transplant Coordinators” was organized at SIUT, Karachi.
  • July 23-25, 2019 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the final meeting of the Ethics & Vector-borne Diseases international consultation process held at the WHO HQ, Geneva.
  • 2019 – Teaching video “Pushing Boundaries” was produced as a third contribution to the activity.
  • 2019 – Teaching video “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” was produced by CBEC as part of this collaboration. This film was screened during the CBEC-WHO Conference and Workshop – ‘Ethical Deceased Organ and Tissue Donor Programs and the Role of Transplant Coordinators’ at CBEC-SIUT, Karachi.
  • May 7 to 9, 2018 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the Ethics & Vector-borne Diseases meeting in Vienna, Austria to formulate draft ethical guidelines to guide researchers and public health intervention experts regarding the actions to be taken in efforts to control vectors and the diseases they spread.
  • November 1 and 2, 2018 – As a member, Dr. Farhat Moazam attended the first WHO Task Force Meeting on Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues held at Geneva, Switzerland.
  • November 11 and 12, 2018 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the EMRO-RERC meeting in Cairo and presented a report on the proceedings of the Ethics of Vector-borne Diseases group.
  • October 12 and 13, 2017 – Dr. Farhat Moazam attended a meeting on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, held in Miami, to represent CBEC as a newly designated WHO Collaborating Centre for Bioethics.
  • October 22 to 23, 2017 – Dr. Aamir Jafarey attended the newly constituted Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC) of the EMRO held in Cairo. The terms of reference of the newly constituted meetings were finalized and a road map developed for the future working of this committee.
  • 2017 – Teaching video “Between Hope and Despair” was produced by CBEC with WHO collaboration.

CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative

In 2016, the Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC) in collaboration with the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) were funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s Fogarty International Centre to build capacity in bioethics through implementation of a bioethics training initiative funded by the This funding facilitated the development of the CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative (CKBTI).

This collaboration builds on the long-standing relationship between the two institutes, with several individuals from Kenya being trained previously by CBEC through its academic programs including Masters, Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate courses.

The aims of the current collaboration include training of core faculty and development of bioethics curriculum for Kenya allowing the building of a sustainable bioethics program for Kenya and East Africa, based at KEMRI. In addition, CBEC during the collaboration will offer training for Kenyan applicants in the PGD and MBE programs based at Karachi during its regular admission cycles. For rapid capacity building, certificate courses will be held at KEMRI for Kenyan students in the areas of Research ethics, Research Methodology Public Health and Clinical Ethics. In addition to this, a practicum will be offered for both Kenyan and Pakistani applicants, to enable individuals involved in Institutional Review Commitees (IRECS) to enhance their learning of the functioning of IREC secretariat through hands on experience.


Name Institution /Position Brief
Dr. Amar Jesani Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights. An independent consultant, researcher and teacher of bioethics and public health. He is one of the founding trustees of the Anusandhan Trust, which manages the health research institute CEHAT (Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights).
Prof. Farhat Moazam CBEC – Head of CBEC The founding Chairperson of Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SUIT), Karachi, Pakistan. Currently she is also a Fellow of the Institute of Practical Ethics and Visiting Professor at the Center for Humanism in Medicine, at the University of Virginia, USA
Dr. Simon Langat NACOSTI –Chief Science Secretary The head of health sciences department at the National commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), Kenya. NACOSTI hosts the National bioethics council (NBC) which develops guidelines and accredits Institutional Ethics Review Committees. NBC also provides policy and top-level advice on bioethical issues in Kenya.
Prof. Walter Jaoko University of Nairobi, ERC member A professor of Tropical medicine and a former Chairperson of the Department of Medical Microbiology at the University of Nairobi. He has a PGD from ARESA and serves on the University of Nairobi/ Kenyatta National hospital Ethics committee. He has served on the Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board Expert Clinical Trials Committee since its inception and is the current Chair of the committee
Prof. Asad Raja Professor and Chairman, Department of surgery, Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi. The Quaid-e-Azam Professor & Chairman, Department of Surgery, Aga Khan University (AKU) East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. He has long standing interest, educational background, experience and expertise in the field of bioethics. Dr. Raja has previously been PI for a Fogarty International (NIH) (2002 )Research Ethics Training grant
Prof. Mike Parker Director of Ethox Centre at Oxford A professor of Bioethics and Director of the Ethox Centre at the University of Oxford. His main research interest is in the ethics of collaborative global health research
Prof. Aasim Ahmad Dean and Chief Nephrologist at the Kidney Centre in Karachi Has masters in Bioethics from the Joint Centre of Bioethics, University of Toronto, Canada. He directed the Bioethics training program at Aga Khan University Karachi funded by the NIH.
Prof. Keymanthri Moodley Medical Doctor, Researcher. A professor in the Department of Medicine and Director of the Centre for Medical Ethics & Law (CMEL), Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences – Tygerberg, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. She serves on the National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) and the Ethics Advisory Board of the Netcare group of private hospitals
Prof. Eric Meslin Former Co PI for the Indiana/Moi University bioethics training Currently heading the Council of Canadian Academies (CCCA), he was the founding Director of the Indiana University Center for Bioethics which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2011. He is also Associate Dean for Bioethics in the Indiana University School of Medicine, and is Professor of Medicine; of Medical & Molecular Genetics; of Bioethics and Law; and of Philosophy.
Dr Julius Ecuru Uganda National Council for Science and Technology Dr Ecuru is an Alumni of IRENSA. He is currently the Assistant Executive Secretary at the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology. Mr. Ecuru’s research focuses on bioscience innovation systems, direct payments during HIV research, and the morality of research in developing countries. He has previously worked for BIO-EARN, a program aimed to build capacity in biotechnology in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda and promote appropriate research and related policies. Mr. Ecuru has also been instrumental in building a coherent research management system in Uganda including national frameworks for human and animal experimentation, biosafety and access to genetic resources, and benefit sharing


1. Curriculum Development Workshop:
With the objective to train members in developing curriculum within bioethics suitable to contextual needs, a Curriculum Development Workshop Program was held at Lake Naivasha, on February 10-13, 2020. The total number of participants was 18, thirteen participants from Kenya and five participants from Pakistan including Prof. Aamir Jafarey, Ms. Sualeha Siddiq Shekhani, Dr. Bushra Shirazi, Dr. Shahid Shamim and Prof. Farhat Moazam. The workshop covered pertinent areas in curriculum designing including alignment of learning objectives with teaching methods and assessment strategies.

2. Certificate Courses (CC):

  • Clinical Ethics
    Thirty-four participants participated in the nine-day CC on Clinical Ethics on February 14-22. Teaching faculty from Pakistan included Drs. Farhat Moazam, Bushra Shirazi, Aamir Jafarey, Nida Wahid Bashir and Ms. Sualeha Shekhani. The objective of the Clinical Ethics workshop is to teach course participants about the basic concepts pertinent within the field of medicine, covering issues such as beginning of life, end of life along with training participants about the functioning of Hospital Ethics Committees. The participants from Kenya included people belonging from different fields, including medical doctors, clinical officers, nurses and others from healthcare facilities.
  • Research Methods Certificate Course:
    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the latter part of the year 2020 saw a shift to the online teaching mode. An online workshop conducted over Zoom was held from May 11 to 15, 2020, attended by thirty-one participants, the course trained individuals in the conduct of research, basic research methodologies in both qualitative and quantitative domains, and review of research proposals.
  • Research and Public Health Ethics Certificate Course:
    As the Covid-19 pandemic continued around the world, all teaching shifted online. The annual Research and Public Health Ethics Certificate course was conducted via Zoom from October 12 to 16, 2020. Attended by thirty-nine participants from different fields including those involved in public health and research, the course covered core areas and concepts in research ethics. Course faculty from Pakistan included Drs. Aamir Jafarey, Aasim Ahmad and Ms. Sualeha Shekhani. Indian counterparts included Drs. Amar Jesani and Vijayprasad Gopichandran.

3. Advisory Board Meetings:
Two advisory board meetings, with the purpose of providing updates regarding CK-BTI activities and also to discuss future plans were held in 2020. One on February 15, which included nine participants and the second one, was conducted online on September 1 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, involving eleven participants. Drs. Farhat Moazam and Aamir Jafarey attended both meetings from Pakistan.

4. MCQ Development Workshops:
Five online (Zoom) faculty MCQ development workshops took place in the year 2020 which were attended by 33 participants from Kenya and Pakistan. The three faculty members from Pakistan were Dr. Bushra Shirazi, Ms. Sualeha Shekhani, and Prof. Aamir Jafarey. The objective of these workshops was for the faculty members to be trained on how to develop MCQs and objectives of the RM training by a member of the CK-BTI Curriculum Development Committee.

5. Curriculum Development Committee:
Three online (Zoom) Curriculum Development committee meetings were held in the year 2020. Two at the Mount Kenya University on July 8, Sept 17- 25, and was attended by sixteen participants. The second was held at Amref International University, Kenya on August 25, and was attended by eight participants. The purpose of these meetings was for CK-BTI curriculum development committee to introduce and explain to the Mount Kenya and Amref University Team the proposed PGD/MBE Curriculum.

6. Fundamentals of Bioethics Certificate Course:
An online (Zoom) Fundamentals of Bioethics CC Workshop was held on July 20-24, and was attended by thirty-six participants. This course involved training individuals in the conduct of research, clinicians, and anyone with a keen interest in bioethics.

7. Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Course:
An online (Zoom) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Course was held on August 18, and was attended by five participants. This mandatory course was taken by the CBEC PGD and MBE Kenyan scholars just before undergoing their course modules.

8. MCQ Development Meeting:
An online (Zoom) MCQ development meeting was held on Sept. 14-15, and was attended by eight participants, which included one Pakistani faculty as well Dr. Amar Jesani.
The objective of the meeting was for the Research and Public Health Ethics faculty to review the MCQs that had been developed to select the ones that would be administered as Pre and Posttests.

9. Research and Public Health Ethics Practicum:
An online (Zoom) Research and Public Health Ethics Practicum was held on Oct. 19-21, and was attended by ten participants. The purpose of the three-day practicum training facilitated by the KEMRI- Scientific, and Ethics Review Unit (SERU) gives hands-on experience and training on the functioning of an Institutional Ethics Review Committees (IERC).


Clinical Ethics Certificate Course , April 25 to May 3, 2019:

Thirty-five participants from Kenya participated in the two-week certificate course on clinical ethics. The certificate course covered a variety of topics including the concept of informed consent as applicable in different medical situations, privacy and confidentiality, pharma-physician interaction and the related concept of conflict of interest, medical error and negligence and so forth.

The program of the certificate course was again structured in such a way that international faculty was paired with local faculty, in order to enhance local capacity. Several of CBEC’s alumni from Kenya also conducted sessions on their own in this round.

  • Participants and Faculty during evaluation of the course.

  • CKBTI Faculty with course participants.


Research and Public Health Ethics Certificate Course and Practicum, October-November, 2019

Twenty-eight participants from Kenya, and four participants from Pakistan (32 in total) attended the week long certificate course that focused on Research and Public Health Ethics.

The program of the CC was structured in a way that international faculty enhanced the local capacity, with many of CBEC alumni in Kenya also leading some of the integral sessions.

The course was followed by a four-day long practicum that enabled the participants to view the working of an Ethical Review Committee that handles a large number of proposals.

Pre and post test surveys were conducted before and after the workshop in order to measure the effectiveness of the course, with feedback provided to the course participants on areas of improvement.

  • Participants during the Practicum learning the functioning of the Secretariat

  • Course participants engaged in a hands-on activity with Dr. Mala Ramanathan


Research Ethics and Public Health Ethics Certificate Course and Practicum, July 2018:

Twenty participants consisting of five Pakistani participants and 15 African participants (from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) for a week long Certificate Course (CC) in Research Ethics and Public Health Ethics. This was followed by a second week consisting of a Practicum consisting of 10 participants (5 Pakistani participants and 5 Kenyan participants).

The program of the CC was structured to facilitate pairing of guest faculty with local faculty, with the objective of enhancing local capacity.

The practicum in the second week was designed to provide hands on experience for the participants in managing and running a secretariat for a Research Ethics Committee (REC/IRB/ERC).

  • Dr. Amar Jesani and his co-instructor Ms. Caroline Kithinji taking a session.

  • A CBEC production “Testing Times” being used to discuss issues related to privacy and confidentiality.

  • Dr. Asad Raja taking a session on standards of care

  • The practicum group at the SERU secretariat for a field visit

  • Prof. Walter Jaoko taking a session on Contract Research Organizations

  • The Pakistani participants gather on the balcony with some of the faculty to capture the moment in this memorable picture

  • Dr. Mala Ramanathan doing the famous “gender walk”
    with the students, driving home the subtleties of
    the impact of gender in access to healthcare


Clinical Ethics Certificate Course, September 2018:

Thiry-one participants from different parts of Africa attended the five-day long certificate course in Clinical Ethics.

The program of the CC consisted of integral topics in Clinical Ethics such as medical error and negligence, privacy and confidentiality and necessity of informed consent. Local faculty was paired with international faculty from different parts of the world in order to build capacity.

  • Dr. Bushra Shirazi leading a discussion during the Curriculum Adaptation workshop

  • Participants engaged in a role play portraying a Hospital Ethics Consultation


Research Ethics course and Practicum:

Held over the course of one week, this certificate course trained 27 participants (23 Kenyan and 5 Pakistani scholars) in research ethics. The Pakistani students along with 5 Kenyan students were additionally provided Practicum training at the KEMRI Scientific and Ethics Review unit (SERU), to understand the workings of a REC secretariat.

  • Dr. Amar Jesani engaging with course participants

  • Dr. Asad Jamil Raja during his talk on research ethics

  • Learning the works of a REC secretariat

Clinical Ethics/Public Health course:

This certificate course trained 25 Kenyan scholars in the domain of clinical and public health ethics, giving them a flavor of various ethical dilemmas encountered, utilizing a variety of teaching tools including local CBEC visual productions.

  • Dr. Moazam engaging the students during an interactive discussion

  • Dr. Stephen Ombok Muhudhia during his talk

During the certificate courses, scholars from Pakistan, Kenya and Tanzania had an opportunity to attend the 2nd Bioethics Society of Kenya (BSK) conference. The Pakistani scholars who are alumni from CBEC-SIUT, presented their papers at the conference, and had an opportunity to interacted with international academics and researchers at the conference.

  • Dr. Abeer Salim presenting a paper at the conference

  • Dr. Nazli Hossain presenting a paper at the conference

Curriculum Adaptation:

A daylong meeting of the Curriculum Adaptation Committee was held at KEMRI to discuss the mechanisms of adapting the CBEC curriculum to suit the Kenyan requirements. Subcommittees were selected and mandated to develop a framework for the various courses to be offered through CK-BTI over the years.

Advisory Board:

The first advisory board meeting was held in 2017. During this meeting, Professor Walta Jaoko was elected the chair of the board for tenure of 2.5 years.

Bioethics Links

Past Issues "Bioethics Links"

“Bioethics Links” is a newsletter published in English biannually (January and June of every year) by CBEC and is the only newsletter devoted purely to bioethics in Pakistan. The publication encompasses contemporary themes related to bioethics in Pakistan and also serves to inform the readers about various bioethics events conducted and attended by the faculty across the globe.
Contributors to the newsletter include core faculty, associate and invited faculty, alumni of CBEC programs and scholars who are invited to contribute to the newsletter.

Find below the entire collection of “Bioethics Links”.

Volume No. 15, Issue No 2 (December 2019)


Volume No. 15, Issue No 2 (December 2019)


Volume No. 16, Issue No 1 (June 2020)

  • COVID-19: CBEC Activities
  • From Faculty Desks
  • From Colleagues
  • From Alumni and Students

Volume No. 15, Issue No 2 (December 2019)


Volume No. 13, Issue No 2 (December 2017)


Volume No. 12, Issue No 1 (June 2016)


Volume No. 11, Issue No 2 (December 2015)


Volume No. 11, Issue No 1 (June 2015)


Volume No. 10, Issue No 2 (December 2014)

  • Drones: Aerial Assasins or Misunderstood Technology?
    Raja Sabri Khan
  • Please Let him go!
    Nida Wahid Bashir
  • CBEC review: Impressions and insights
    Aamir Jafarey
  • Reports

Volume No. 10, Issue No 1 (June 2014)

  • Surrogacy in Pakistan: Legal perspectives
    Sharmeen Khan
  • Surrogacy and “third-party” donation in Iran: An overview
    Rubina Naqvi
  • A journey through testing times
    Mariam Hasan
  • International Team reviews CBEC as it turns Ten
    Anika Khan
  • Reports

Volume No. 9, Issue No 2 (December 2013)

  • The Drug Industry and Doctors: an Unholy Alliance
    Sandhya Srinivasan
  • “CBEC-SIUT: ‘The Bridge’ over Troubled Karachi”
    Marisa de Andrade
  • Ethics Videos: A New Frontier for CBEC
    Aamir Jafarey
  • CBEC Conference: “Emerging Ethical Issues”
    Anika Khan
  • Foundation Module for the New Academic Year
  • Reports

Volume No. 9, Issue No 1 (June 2013)

  • Ethics in Context: Case Studies in Pakistan
    James Dwyer
  • Bringing Ethics into Classrooms” – the first workshop for school teachers
    Anika Khan
  • PGD Alumni (Class of 2012) Projects
  • Academic Programs in Bioethics Commencing January 2014
  • Selected Publications by CBEC Faculty
  • CBEC and Bioethics Education: News from the National Front
  • New Informed Consents for SIUT
  • CBEC Conference on “Emerging Issues in Bioethics”
  • Ethics Exam at ZA School of Medical Technology

Volume No. 8, Issue No 2 (December 2012)

  • Islam and Feminism: Opening a New Dialogue
    Ziba Mir-Hosseini
  • Bioethics in Kuala Lumpur
    Saima Pervaiz Iqbal
  • International Association of Bioethics Congress at Rotterdam
    Aamir Jafarey
  • CBEC Forum Meetings (2012)
  • CBEC Film Productions
  • KMU Research Ethics Workshop, November 29-30, 2012
  • Karachi Bioethics Group
  • I, Malala Yusufzai
    Nida Wahid Bashir

Volume No. 8, Issue No 1 (June 2012)

  • Engaging days and ghazal nights: Ethics education in CBEC-SIUT
    Mala Ramanathan
  • Memoirs of the first international MBE student at CBEC
    Elizabeth A. Bukusi
  • Different ways of thinking
    S. H. Kolambage
  • Connecting Shari’a with emerging ethical issues
  • Unique learning environment in CBEC’s teaching module
    Shaista Khan
  • Makkah Clock Tower: “Meray liye mitti ka haram aur bana do”
    Faheem Khan
  • Peshawar Bioethics Group (PBG)
    Mumtaz Muhammad
  • Bioethics for first batch of Master in Health Research program
    Aamir Jafarey
  • Honour for CBEC-SIUT

Volume No. 7, Issue No 2 (December 2011)

  • Bioethics in Pakistan: Foreign seeds in desi soil
    Aamir Jafarey
  • Taking Ethics to a Government Girls’ School in Pakistan
    Anika Khan
  • Patients’ Perceptions on being used as “Teaching Tools” for Medical Students: A Study from Pakistan
    Saima Perwaiz Iqbal
  • Influence of Culture and Language: Decision-making in Breast Cancer Patients
    Bushra Shirazi
  • “Bioethcs Education Conference, Bangkok”, November 9-11, 2011
  • International Conference at The Leiden University, the Netherlands, December 7-8, 2011
  • “EMRO-CBEC-PMRC National Workshop on Strengthening Ethical Review Committees”, November 17-19, 2011
  • Research Ethics Workshop at Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore, December 15-16, 2011
  • Next Academic Year Begins at the Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture

Volume No. 7, Issue No 1 (June 2011)

  • The Women’s Movement in Pakistan: Promoting a Different Kind of Value
    Asma Jehangir
  • Post-seminar Reflections: Bioethics and Religion?
    Farhat Moazam
  • Research Ethics Workshop, Saidu Sharif, Swat, May 13-14, 2011
    Aamir Jafarey
  • Northern Bypass Flood Relief Camp turns into the Indus Basti
    Anika Khan
  • First Batch of PGD Graduates to be awarded Diplomas from the Sindh Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Selection begins for next Batch of Students in CBEC’s Programs Academic Year Commences January 2012
  • CBEC Research Ethics Workshop

Volume No. 6, Issue No 2 (December 2010)

  • Northern Bypass Camp: In the Wake of the Floods
    Anika Khan*
  • Blasphemy Chronicles
    Sharmeen Khan*
  • CBEC goes to India! The Third National Bioethics Conference, New Delhi, November 17 to 20, 2010
    Mariam Hasan*
  • Zehra Nigah connests Poetry and Ethics
  • Dr. Fox and Dr. Swazey “visit” CBEC
  • Recent (Selected) Internatiional Presentations by CBEC Faculty
  • CBEC International Bioethics Seminar, March 14 to 17, 2011

Volume No. 6, Issue No 1 (June 2010)

  • On Democracy in Pakistan
    I. A. Rehman*
  • Different Moral Worlds
    Saima Iqbal, Bushra Shirazi, Anika Khan, Aamir Jafarey*
  • Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan dismisses petition against Transplantation of Organs and Tissues Law
    Farhat Moazam*
  • Standby: Camera, Action!
    Aamir M. Jafarey*
  • KBG Develops Ethical Guidelines for Physician Pharmaceutical Interactions
    Nida Wahid Bashir*

Volume No. 5, Issue No 2 (December 2009)

  • Reflections on a Visit to Karachi: A Small World, After All
    Paul A. Lombardo*
  • The Hidden Jewel that is CBEC
    Humza Aasim Yusuf
  • Finding Hope in Unexpected Places
    Saamia Noorali*
  • CBEC Launches Masters in Bioethics (MBE) Program
  • PGD Class of 2010
  • NA unanimously Passes Transplant Bill
  • PGD Alumni Publications

Volume No. 5, Issue No 1 (June 2009)

  • Research and Ethics: Partners not Adversaries
    Athula Samutipala*
  • CBEC’s Alumni go to Tehran
    Yasmin Wajahat*
  • Birth of a Bioethics Group in Ziauddin University, Karachi
    Nausheen Saeed*
  • PGD Alumni bring Bioethics to Medical Technologists in Karachi
    Moinuddin Siddiqui*
  • CBEC Announces Academic Program Commencing November, 2009
  • Recent CBEC publication in the Hastings Centre Report
  • A Journey of Centuries: By Ada Jafarey

Volume No. 4, Issue No 2 (December 2008)

  • Peeping into Minds: Unethical Application of Science, Collusion of Health Professionals
    Amar Jesani*
  • Academic Plagiarism: Ignorance or Malice?
    Bushra Shirazi*
  • The Physician-Pharma Nexus: an Unholy Alliance?
    Aamir Jafarey*
  • Upcoming Bioethics Conferences
  • CBEC: Recent International Activities

Volume No. 4, Issue No 1 (June 2008)

    Sahin Aksoy*
  • Building Networks: The Karachi Bioethics Group
    Nida Wahid Bashir *
  • CBEC hosts MRPS Meeting
  • World Congress of Bioethics
  • Asian Bioethics Conference
  • CBEC Graduates: Success Stories
    Aamir Jafarey *
  • Istanbul Summit on Organ Trafficking, Tourism and Commerce
    April 30 to May 2, 2008
  • Asian Task Force on Organ Trafficking in Asia Submits Report

Volume No. 3, Issue No 2 (Dec 2007)

  • Nadia’s Dream. Will it Come True?
    Zubeida Mustafa
  • Distance Learning Component, CBEC’s Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Biomedical Ethics
    ” Cyber Talk”
  • My Trial
    Translation of Perveen Shakir’s Poetry
  • Farhat Moazam Elected Fellow of The Hastings Centre, USA
  • Recent International Links
  • Presentations by Graduates of PGD, Class of 2006
  • Publications and Presentations by Students of PGD, Class of 2007
  • CBEC’s Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics, Class of 2008

Volume No. 3, Issue No 1 (May 2007)

  • Reflections on Our Mind Set
    Manzoor Ahmed*
  • Battling Kidney Trade in Pakistan: The Struggle Continues
    Farhat Moazam*
  • The First 14 Healthcare Professionals in Pakistan receive Diplomas in Biomedical Ethics
    Aamir Jafarey*
  • SIUT’s Volunteer Program for School Children
  • PGD Graduates of 2006 and their Ethics Projects
  • Eighth Asian Bioethics Conference, Thailand, Bangkok
  • PGD Class 2007

Volume No. 2, Issue No 2 (October 2006)

  • Teaching Ethics through the Arts
    Amber Romasa Nagori*
  • “Too Little for Too Few”: Dilemmas of Treating HIV/AIDS in South Africa
    Renee C. Fox*
  • Cricket and Ethics
    Saad Shafqat*
  • “Muslim Voices from the East Mediterranean Region” at The 8th Congress, International Association of Bioethics (IAB), Beijing, China (August 4-9, 2006 ) Bioethics (IAB), Beijing, China (August 4-9, 2006 )
    Farhat Moazam*
  • Recent CBEC Faculty Publications

Volume No. 2, Issue No 1 (May 2006)

  • “The Class of 2006 “, An Interim Report
    Aamir Jafarey*
  • PGD Student Assignments ” Vani in True Perspective”, A Critique
    Inayat Ullah Memon*
  • PGD Web Discussions”School Girl Loses Legal Battle””Plagiarism””Conflict between Conscience and Job Obligation”

    “Suicide Bombing”

    “Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer”

    “Religious Education For Children”

    “FDA Dismisses Medical Benefit from Marijuana”

    “65 km at 5; Isn’t this child abuse?”

  • Dr. Faisal Ghani Siddiqui
    gives the first lecture on Biomedical Ethics at LUMHS, Hyderabad
  • Mr. Abdul Ghani takes Bioethics to PTV Bolan, Balochistan

Volume No. 1, Issue No 3 (December 2005)

  • Familiar Battles for Bioethics: Facing off over Transplantation
    Paul A. Lombardo*
  • Kidney Trade and Transplant Tourism: Pakistan, the Emerging Leader
    Farhat Moazam*
  • Cadaveric Organ Donation and the Role of Family
    Alireza Bagheri*

Volume No. 1, Issue No 2 (August 2005)

  • CBEC Activity Report (2005-2006)
    Aamir Jafarey*
  • National Academy of Sciences, USA: Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
    Farhat Moazam*
  • Islamic Perspectives on Abortion
    Farhat Moazam*
  • Legal Aspects of Abortion: An International Overview
    Sharmeen Ali Khan*

Volume No. 1, Issue No 1 (April 2005)

  • About CBEC
    Farhat Moazam*
  • “Foundations of Moral Thought: from the Greeks to Contemporary Bioethics.” First International Seminar and Intensive Course
  • International Conference, IOMS, Cairo. “Islamic Code for Medical and Health Ethics”
    Farhat Moazam*
  • International Conference, GFBR, Malawi. “Sixth Global Forum for Bioethics in Research”
    Aamir Jafarey*

Faculty Publications

To request copies of publications, contact

CBEC Videos

Videos are one of the teaching tools that CBEC uses with its students during its teaching sessions and workshops. In order to provide contextual storylines and associated ethical issues, CBEC started producing its own short film series a couple of years back. Called “Local Moral Worlds,” these videos cover a wide range of ethical concerns from various societal and medical viewpoints within local cultural perspectives. You can access this video series on our YouTube Channel or over here.
These video clips are accessible for free, and can be used for teaching with due acknowledgment.

Whose Life Is It Anyway? (09:27)

This video highlights medical decision-making dynamics in the case of an incapacitated adult patient. The story follows a 60-year-old man who has been admitted to the ICU after having a stroke and losing consciousness. As his condition worsens and he develops pneumonia, the doctor anticipates mechanical ventilation. The family is asked their permission to ventilate should the patient need it. The video highlights the role and influence of the extended family in the decision-making process, bringing in cultural nuances.

A Tale of Two Worlds (20:44)

Jannatville, a rich, gated community lies across the creek from Pariabad, a large slum that lacks even basic facilities such as drainage and water supply. When a dengue epidemic surfaces in both communities, issues of social justice and public health ethics become prominent. Against this backdrop, an international research team seeks permission from a local IRB to carry out a trial in Pariabad and another locality, for a drug, Fixit-W, that can be added to a community’s water supply and which potentially, can kill a mosquito that bites someone who has ingested Fixit-W. Issues such as justice, community engagement, and voluntary consent in public health research are highlighted in the movie.

Pushing Boundaries (17:24)

CBEC’s latest production brings forward the ethical issues that arise due to choices that emerging technologies such as in-vitro fertilization provide to individuals. The movie explores the societal pressures in being a biological parent in traditional societies like Pakistan, and how it impacts family dynamics.

Between A Rock and a Hard Place (10:48)

This production uncovers the ethical issues that arise due to deceased organ donation as they tend to play out within local contexts. The movie focuses on the dynamics of collective family decision-making processes in Pakistan. The video is meant to stimulate audiences in identifying different ethical challenges in procuring organs for organ transplantation, and consider solutions applicable within particularized situations.

Between Hope and Despair (19:40)

This video discusses the ethical issues that can come up while conducting public health research in disaster struck areas. Issues related to the healthcare professionals, the community and the ethical review process have been highlighted in the video.

To Err is Human (11:31)

To err is indeed human, and healthcare providers are as human as others. However, their errors have far greater significance as their acts of omission and commission can have an irremediable impact on those under their care. This video explores various aspects of medical mishaps while depicting incidents of error, negligence and near misses in the clinical setting. We hope that the video will generate an ethical discourse on why we err, and what to do when we do.

Walking a Tightrope (15:15)

The stories depicted in this short video contrast the value of doing good for the patient against legal and institutional compulsions, when the two may be diametrically opposing forces. The video brings out the tensions healthcare providers face while trying to find a balance between the two, a challenge encountered quite frequently by medical practitioners.

Testing Times (17:00)

As genetic screening and research becomes mainstream, it has also unravelled a lot of contentious ethical challenges. This short film explores some of these challenges, focusing on breast cancer screening and also highlights how research can often become conflated with clinical care, not only for the patient, but also for those involved in providing care.

Publish or Perish (10:31)

This movie highlights several areas of scientific misconduct that can tempt researchers, driven by increasing pressures to publish research work in order to move up the academic ladder. Viewers will notice examples of plagiarism, fudging data, gifted authorship and other similar issues highlighted in this film. The film ends by touching the issue of whistle blowing.

More Than Meets the Eye (18:44)

End of life issues form a major part of ethics consults all over the world. This teaching video depicts one such situation where a neurosurgeon faces an ethical dilemma regarding the care of a quadriplegic patient with Downs Syndrome who is ventilator dependent but not brain dead. The process of engaging a distraught family member to ascertain the wishes of the family, and the deliberations of an ethics consultation are depicted in this film.

A Matter of Trust (11:48)

This movie raises issues of physician-pharmaceutical interaction, and how it can lead to potential conflicts of interest. It also explores the relationship of a patient with a physician and the ease with which therapeutic misconception creeps in when a physician assumes the role of a researcher.

To Tell or Not to Tell (09:02)

This movie explores issues related to family dynamics and informed consent when a patient’s family wishes to shield him from the harsh reality of his ailment and treatment. It portrays tensions between a physician’s duty to disclose illness and an individual’s autonomy and right to know, versus the protective feelings of his children.

The Sound of Silence (09:01)

This movie explores questions of informed consent in a hierarchical, male dominated environment. It brings out the issue of respecting the patient’s wishes and empowering the patient even when the individual appears to be disinterested. It also explores the issues of privacy and empathy in the interaction between physicians and patients.

Master’s in Bioethics

CBEC’s Master’s in Bioethics (MBE) is an intensive two year program intended for working professionals from diverse fields including medicine and research, philosophy, law, social sciences and education. Graduates from this program have strengthened existing networks in bioethics nationally and internationally through conferences and publications presenting developing world perspectives.

The program aims to nurture reflective abilities and critical thinking in students, and to inculcate in them habits of self-directed learning. Graduates of the program are expected to grow into future academic leaders at national levels and beyond, and to make scholarly contributions in bioethics in areas of research, education and clinical medicine with attention to existing socio-cultural contexts and economic realities.

The MBE degree is awarded by the Sindh Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) and recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.

MBE Admissions and Evaluation Policies

The MBE is a blended program which includes both on-campus in-person teaching together with coursework in away periods. Teaching faculty includes both national and international scholars.

The four semesters of the MBE program are spread over two years. The first year of the MBE program involves coursework completed over four on-campus modules. The duration of the first three modules is 2 weeks each (6 days a week) while the last module is generally shorter. The second year is dedicated to the completion of research for thesis under supervision of assigned CBEC faculty.

Required Coursework

Coursework during the two years involves several components. The on-campus component consists of four modules that encompass interactive discussions, seminars dedicated to in-depth discussions of specific ethical topics, ‘pedagogy’ sessions in which the MBEs teach students enrolled in Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics program. End of module tests and quizzes are used to assess comprehension of the subject matter taught during each module.

Students are required to submit full length papers connected to all major courses. They also conduct “Directed Research” which involves review and critique of assigned books.

I.      On-Campus

Adult learning methodologies are employed in all four modules, with an emphasis on discussion rather than didactic lectures. In addition to tools such as small group work and role play, movies and examples from art and literature are also included to highlight and discuss various ethical themes.

Students are expected to be punctual, maintain full attendance and participate actively in class discussions.

  • Foundations Module

It introduces students to the different epistemological sources of moral traditions. This includes examining the evolution of moral thought from Greeks to the modern times, and the basics of moral traditions in different religions including Islam. Students are encouraged to analyze the similarities and differences between these traditions and to provide constructive critique of each. Sessions also cover the evolution of contemporary bioethics in the 20th century, a result of the explosive growth in biomedical science and technology, and the ethical challenges specific to this situation in low and middle income countries. Sessions are dedicated to historical interactions between ethics and law using paradigm legal cases. Sessions are also devoted to recognizing the importance of humanities (art and literature) in informing and shaping indigenous values in a society.

  • Clinical Ethics Module

The second module focuses on introducing students to the dominant Western paradigm of Principlism and its critique within different sociocultural contexts. Students are also familiarized with the importance of virtues in guiding physician-patient interaction, and the concept of microethics which focuses on daily interactions between patients, families and physicians in clinical practice. Emphasis is also placed on real-life Pakistani case scenarios and discussions which are employed to help familiarize students with ethical questions related to reproduction, genetics, end of life issues, medical error and negligence, organ donation, modern healthcare and practice among others. Students are encouraged to bring their cases for discussions in which they have personally faced moral discomfort. Workshops focusing on the basics of hospital ethics consultative services and communication skills also form a core component.

  • Research and Public Health Module

The third module is devoted to ethical issues involving human subject research and public health. Students are introduced to the historical incidents in human experimentation and research such as Nuremberg Trials and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study that led to the development of research ethics as a formal field. Research scandals from the LMIC context are also taught including the HPV vaccine trials in India. Specific challenges of conducting ethical research within LMICs are also discussed. Sessions are devoted to the functions of Institutional Review Boards/ Ethics Review Committees, and issues of conflicts of interest including those during interactions with the pharmaceutical industry. An important component of this module also includes distinguishing between public health research and public health surveillance, and the ethical values in conflict when designing and implementing public health measures especially within the context of epidemics and pandemics.

  • Gender Ethics Module

The fourth and last module introduces students to the evolution of feminist movements in the West. Sessions are used to highlight movements for rights of women within Pakistan. Class discussions are also devoted to issues of gender equality within the family and the influence of Muslim fiqh in this area. An integral component of the teaching is to understand the concepts of ‘sex’ versus ‘gender’ and how the biological components interact with social constructs in forming identity of individuals. This includes an understanding of issues related to transgender individuals. Sessions also highlight the role of stereotyping in media in defining gender roles.

II.   Away Period Coursework

During this, MBE students are required to submit a minimum of nine mandatory full-length assignments (1200-1500 words) connected to major courses which are graded by faculty. These assignments require in-depth research, analyses and critical review of readings covered during the modules and additional relevant material.

Under ‘Directed Research,’ students are assigned relevant academic and/or literary books to review. The aim is to encourage wider reading habits, promote critical analysis of authors’ ideas and positions, and enhance writing abilities.

MBE students also participate in the faculty moderated CBEC “Bioethics Blog” through postings, comments and participation in discussions with the PGD students.

MBE Thesis

The second year of the MBE program is devoted to completing research and writing a thesis of 15,000 to 18,000 words. Students are provided with faculty supervisors to guide their research and thesis writing. Research conducted must be original in nature involving quantitative or qualitative methodology or using mixed methods. Students are encouraged to pursue topics relevant to issues in Pakistan. Comprehensive literature review and analysis of a suitable, ethics-related topic are also acceptable for the thesis.

The final thesis is submitted for review by the external Thesis Review Committee (TRC) consisting of relevant national and international scholars. If the external TRC finds that the submission does not meet required standards, the student will be required to make necessary changes and resubmit the thesis. If the resubmitted thesis is still found to be below standards, the student will not receive the MBE degree.

However, if she/he has satisfactorily completed and passed all required MBE coursework during the first year, CBEC faculty may recommend to the Department of Medical Education, SIMS that the student be conferred a Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics instead.

Assessment Strategies

Continuous assessment which includes full attendance, active class participation, satisfactory performance in “Pedagogy” sessions, Seminars and course related written assignments in the away period. Other modalities include end of module tests that include Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Essay Questions (SEQs), and quizzes.

Completion of MBE Thesis and achieving a “Pass” grade as judged by external TRC.

Retention Criteria

  1. MBE students are required to maintain an average of at least a C Plus grade (65%) in the first four graded assignments to continue in the program. Those unable to do so, despite faculty assistance and counselling, may be dropped from the program.
  2. MBE students who maintain an average of C Plus grade (65%) through their coursework year but have 3 failures in graded activities may be dropped from the program.
  3. Students are expected to be present during all days of every module. Per existing policy, absence for any reason may result in being dropped from the program.

Graduation Criteria

In order to be awarded an MBE degree, students must:

  1. Maintain an average of at least C plus grade (65%) throughout the program.
  2. Complete all mandatory written assignments satisfactorily.
  3. Obtain a pass in the MBE thesis.

The MBE is designed for mid-career professionals, from Pakistan and abroad, holding at least an undergraduate degree (equivalent to Bachelor of Arts/Science, etc.) We target individuals working within primary fields such as healthcare delivery, social sciences, philosophy, law, education, etc. who wish to incorporate aspects of bioethics relevant to their disciplines.

Preference will be given to those who have at least five years of work experience in the primary field following the basic qualification. CBEC programs are inclusive, open to individuals of all genders, ages, religions, and ethnicities without discrimination.

Applicants must have good reading, comprehension, and writing skills in English in order to handle coursework which includes extensive readings and written assignments. In addition, it is essential that applicants possess basic competency in computer skills including the use of email, MS Office programs, web-based searches, video conferencing and social media applications.

Students must have availability of broadband internet in order to complete coursework assignments in the away periods between modules.

Application Process

Application process is online through the CBEC website. MBE applicants must complete all sections of the application form and submit it along with all required documents listed below no later than the given deadline. Late and / or incomplete applications will not be processed.

In addition to the online submission, the application form along with the supporting documents will also need to be emailed to and in a single email, as attachments.

All applications are reviewed and assessed by the Admission and Selection Committee (ASC) constituted of CBEC faculty and external members. Those applying for the MBE but judged to be better suited for the one-year Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics (PGD) program are offered a shift to the PGD application process. However, this does not guarantee admission into the program.

Applicants who are shortlisted for the MBE program will be invited to appear in an “English Language Comprehension and Writing Skills Test.” Candidates who display required level of proficiency in English are invited for interviews. Interviews are conducted by members of ASC and take place in Karachi and other cities in Pakistan. At the discretion of the ASC, interviews may be conducted online using video-conferencing.

ASC decisions are considered final. However, those who wish to appeal can approach the Chairperson of CBEC.

Documents Required

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Brief curriculum vitae
  3. Essay: A 700-750-word essay in the applicant’s own words, describing an event or encounter that has had a major or lasting impact on his/her life. The essay should be a MS Word document using Times New Roman script, with font size 12 and double line spacing. The essay document should be saved with the applicants’ surname, e.g. malik.doc before uploading and emailing as an attachment. Note: The essay will be screened for plagiarism and AI-generated content.
  4. Scanned copies of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Note: If selected in the program, all original documents must be presented to the Department of Medical Education at Sindh Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) for verification.
  5. For applicants who are full-time employees, a scanned letter of permission from the relevant institutional head on a letterhead. This letter should state that he/she has institutional approval for attendance in all four modules at CBEC and completion of coursework during the away period.
  6. Two samples of applicant’s written material such as articles, reports, projects etc. Preference will be given to academic publications in national or international journals. Provide hyperlinks to published articles accessible online or upload and email copies.
  7. Scan of one recent photograph.
  8. Two letters of recommendation addressed to Dr. Farhat Moazam, Chairperson, CBEC, SIUT. These should be emailed directly and in confidence to her by the referees to the following email addresses: & The letters should be from individuals in responsible positions who know the applicant and believe that he/she is suitable for pursuing formal education in bioethics. The referee should be willing to have a phone conversation with Dr. Moazam if required.

Enrolment in a Concurrent Program

Applications from individuals already enrolled in a program that overlaps with MBE will not be entertained.

Students enrolled in the MBE are not permitted to enroll in a concurrent program until they have completed all requirements of the MBE program.


CBEC-SIUT does not charge any tuition fee from students selected into the Master’s in Bioethics (MBE) program. All reading material for courses is shared on Google docs and provided free of cost. Lunch, tea, and snacks are also provided free during the on-campus modules.


Subject to availability, free accommodation (without meals) may be offered at the SIUT residential apartments for out-of-town candidates on a twin sharing basis. The apartments provide free Wi-Fi for use by students.


Complementary daily transportation between the SIUT apartments and CBEC is provided for the duration of the modules in Karachi. Travel to and from Karachi for out-of-town students will be their own responsibility. CBEC-SIUT will however provide airport pick and drop services for non-Pakistani students to facilitate their arrival and departure. Pakistani students will be responsible for their transport arrangements to and from the Karachi airport. Several reliable radio cab services at the airport are easily available and can be utilized.

Facilities at CBEC

All four modules take place in CBEC in Karachi in a facilitative learning environment. CBEC is located on the 7th Floor of the Suleman Dawood Transplant Tower, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) on Yaqub Khan Road. Adequate workspaces, computers, internet access, a library and photocopying facilities are available on campus.

Certificate Courses in Bioethics

Institutions have begun to develop ethics committees looking at human subject research and also clinical ethical issues in healthcare delivery. Their membership is often untrained and there are few opportunities for them to get formal training. Often, members of such committees, even though interested in bioethics, cannot make the time required to join formal degree or diploma level programs. The Certificate Course (CC) offered by CBEC provides an opportunity for such individuals to enhance their capacity in focused areas of research or clinical ethics, while making a limited time commitment towards the training.The primary objective of the CC is to introduce the participants to the basic concepts of either Research Ethics or Clinical Ethics so that they can return to their institutions and contribute towards the functioning of ethics committees.

The Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC) initiated two Certificate programs in 2014, one in Research Ethics and the other in Clinical Ethics. These are offered every other year, alongside the Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Biomedical Ethics and Master’s in Bioethics (MBE) teaching sessions.

Course participants are required to attend all sessions of the relevant module, either on Research Ethics or on Clinical Ethics, and are awarded a Certificate of Participation. Course participants share the same round table seating format along with the PGD and MBE students, and undergo the same learning experience. They also share the same readings along with the degree program students. However, unlike the PGD and MBE students, the Certificate Course participants are enrolled only for one module.

  • Relevant individuals, serving on ethics committees, or potential members of such committees who are deemed to be suitable for the CC are nominated by our alumni. The selection is based on their current involvement with bioethics, as well as their CV. There is no test or interview for inclusion in the CC.
  • CC students are not graded and there are no assignments or exams. However, they are expected to observe punctuality, full attendance and to participate in class discussions to be awarded the Certificate of Participation.
  • The CC participants are expected to read the materials shared with them prior to the course. They are expected to maintain a 100% attendance throughout the course which can last up to 2 weeks, from 8 am to 6 pm. There are no take-home assignments for the CC participants during the course in order to keep the workload on them to the minimum. There is therefore minimal disruption of the normal schedule for the participants, other than mandatory attendance during the course.
  • CBEC-SIUT waives tuition fee of all students selected into the CC program and provides all reading material for courses electronically, at no cost. Lunch, tea, and snacks are also provided free during the modules held in Karachi.
  • Subject to availability, free accommodation (without meals) may be offered at the SIUT residential apartments for out-of-town candidates on a twin sharing basis. The apartments provide free Wi-Fi for use by students.
  • Complementary daily transportation between the SIUT apartments and CBEC is provided for the duration of the modules in Karachi. Travel to and from Karachi for out-of-town students will be their own responsibility. CBEC-SIUT will however provide airport pick and drop services for non-Pakistani students to facilitate their arrival and departure. Pakistani students will be responsible for their transport arrangements to and from the Karachi airport. Several reliable radio cab services at the airport are easily available and can be utilized.
  • All teaching takes place in CBEC in Karachi in a facilitative learning environment. CBEC is located on the 7th Floor of the Suleman Dawood Transplant Tower, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) on Yaqub Khan Road. Adequate workspaces, computers, internet access, a library and photocopying facilities are available on site.

For more information, please contact us at

Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics

The Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics (PGD) by CBEC, launched in 2006, was the first comprehensive program for mid-career healthcare-related professionals in Pakistan. Since then, admissions to the program have been extended to students from other countries. PGD graduates are considered primary agents of change who will spread bioethics education and research within their institutions and countries.

The program aims to provide students with knowledge about bioethics pertaining to research, public health and clinical medicine. Students are also taught basic skills in analyzing and handling ethical dilemmas while paying attention to existing sociocultural contexts and economic realities. Over the year, they are nurtured to develop reflective abilities and critical thinking, and habits of self-directed learning.

The PGD degree is awarded by the Sindh Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) and recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.

PGD Admissions and Evaluation Policies

The PGD is a blended program which includes both on-campus in-person teaching together with a distance learning component. Teaching faculty includes both national and international scholars.

The PGD program is spread over two semesters. Coursework is completed over four contact modules interspaced with distance learning components in the intervening months. The duration of the first three modules is 2 weeks each (6 days a week). The last module is generally shorter, and includes a written examination and presentation by students of a “Bioethics PGD project.” Students are required to initiate and execute in the following year in their parent institutions following graduation.

Contact Modules

Adult learning methodologies are employed in all four modules, with an emphasis on discussion rather than didactic lectures. In addition to tools such as small group work and role play, movies and examples from art and literature are also included to highlight and discuss various ethical themes.

Students are expected to be punctual, maintain full attendance and participate actively in class discussions.

  • Foundations Module

It introduces students to the different epistemological sources of moral traditions. This includes examining the evolution of moral thought from Greeks to the modern times, and the basics of moral traditions in different religions including Islam. Students are encouraged to analyze the similarities and differences between these traditions and to provide constructive critique of each. Sessions also cover the evolution of contemporary bioethics in the 20th century, a result of the explosive growth in biomedical science and technology, and the ethical challenges specific to this situation in low and middle income countries. Sessions are dedicated to historical interactions between ethics and law using paradigm legal cases. Sessions are also devoted to recognizing the importance of humanities (art and literature) in informing and shaping indigenous values in a society.

  • Clinical Ethics Module

The second module focuses on introducing students to the dominant Western paradigm of Principlism and its critique within different sociocultural contexts. Students are also familiarized with the importance of virtues in guiding physician-patient interaction, and the concept of microethics which focuses on daily interactions between patients, families and physicians in clinical practice. Emphasis is also placed on real-life Pakistani case scenarios and discussions which are employed to help familiarize students with ethical questions related to reproduction, genetics, end of life issues, medical error and negligence, organ donation, modern healthcare and practice among others. Students are encouraged to bring their cases for discussions in which they have personally faced moral discomfort. Workshops focusing on the basics of hospital ethics consultative services and communication skills also form a core component.

  • Research and Public Health Module

The third module is devoted to ethical issues involving human subject research and public health. Students are introduced to the historical incidents in human experimentation and research such as Nuremberg Trials and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study that led to the development of research ethics as a formal field. Research scandals from the LMIC context are also taught including the HPV vaccine trials in India. Specific challenges of conducting ethical research within LMICs are also discussed. Sessions are devoted to the functions of Institutional Review Boards/ Ethics Review Committees, and issues of conflicts of interest including those during interactions with the pharmaceutical industry. An important component of this module also includes distinguishing between public health research and public health surveillance, and the ethical values in conflict when designing and implementing public health measures especially within the context of epidemics and pandemics.

  • Gender Ethics Module

The fourth and last module introduces students to the evolution of feminist movements in the West. Sessions are used to highlight movements for rights of women within Pakistan. Class discussions are also devoted to issues of gender equality within the family and the influence of Muslim fiqh in this area. An integral component of the teaching is to understand the concepts of ‘sex’ versus ‘gender’ and how the biological components interact with social constructs in forming identity of individuals. This includes an understanding of issues related to transgender individuals. Sessions also highlight the role of stereotyping in media in defining gender roles.

Distance Learning components

Between modules, PGD students post regularly to CBEC’s “Bioethics Blog,” a mandatory activity which is moderated by faculty. The blog provides them an opportunity to bring ethical questions and dilemmas which they face in their personal and professional lives for discussion with colleagues and faculty. These discussions highlight the influence of local contexts and socioeconomic realities in both formation and resolution of such dilemmas. The students are also encouraged to identify and discuss items from print and electronic media that present moral challenges.

In addition, PGD students are required to submit at least 5 “Must Respond” written assignments in the whole year on a broad range of topics. These assignments include critiquing written texts, newspaper stories and advertisements to interpreting ethical nuances within pictures and paintings.

Bioethics PGD Project

PGD Students are required to develop a bioethics teaching project during the course of the program and to conduct this in the year following graduation. It involves students putting into practice what they have learnt by introducing areas of bioethics to students, faculty and staff in their parent institutions, conducting sessions related to research ethics and ERCs, etc.

Assessment Strategies

Continuous assessment which includes full attendance, active class participation and satisfactory performance in student presentations during the modules. During the distance learning period, students get 5 “Must Respond” assignments which are graded by faculty.  PGD students also make brief postings, commentaries and discussion points on the CBEC “Bioethics Blog.” PGD students are awarded a pass or fail on Blog activity at the end of each month.

Other modalities include end of module tests that include Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Essay Questions (SEQs), and quizzes. In the final module, students sit for an exam assessing understanding of subject material covered through the year.

Retention Criteria

  1. PGD students are required to maintain an average of at least 60% marks in thefirst four graded assignments to continue in the program. Those unable to do so despite faculty assistance and counselling, may be dropped from the program.
  2. PGD students who maintain an average of 60% marks but have three failures in mandatory assignments – including, but not limited to presentations, Must Respond assignments, and the student blog – may be dropped from the program.
  3. Students are expected to be present during all days of every module. Per existing policy, absence for any reason may result in being dropped from the program.

Graduation Criteria

In order to be awarded a PGD, students must:

  1. Maintain an average of at least 60% throughout the program.
  2. Complete all mandatory requirements satisfactorily.
  3. Obtain a pass in the PGD project.

The PGD is designed for mid-career professionals from health-care related backgrounds, open to Pakistani and foreign applicants. The basic qualifications required are graduate (Bachelor of Arts/Science, MBBS, BDS, etc.) or postgraduate degrees (Master’s, PhD, etc.) in fields such as medicine, dentistry, nursing, biological sciences, social sciences, etc.

Preference will be given to those who are working within healthcare related institutions in educational, clinical, health administration or research related capacities.

PGD applicants are expected to have adequate command over spoken and written English in order to participate in class discussions and handle reading and writing requirements.

Applicants should also possess basic competency in computer and web-based skills including the use of email, MS Office programs, web-based searches, video conferencing and social media applications. They must also have availability of broadband internet in order to participate effectively in the distance learning component during the away periods.

Application Process

Application process is online through the CBEC website. PGD applicants must complete all sections of the application form and submit it along with all required documents listed below no later than the given deadline. Late and / or incomplete applications will not be processed.

In addition to the online submission, the application form along with the supporting documents will also need to be emailed to and in a single email, as attachments.

All applications are reviewed and assessed by the Admission and Selection Committee (ASC) constituted of CBEC faculty and external members. Following a review of applications, shortlisted applicants will be invited for interviews with the ASC. Interviews are conducted at CBEC in Karachi and if required, may also be conducted in other cities, or remotely through Zoom or similar means.

ASC decisions are considered final. However, those who wish to appeal can approach the Chairperson of CBEC.

Documents Required

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Brief curriculum vitae
  3. Essay: A 500-word essay in your own words on why you think this diploma program is appropriate for you. The essay should be a MS Word document using Times New Roman script, with font size 12 and double line spacing. The essay document should be saved with the applicants’ surname, e.g. malik.doc before uploading and emailing as an attachment. Note: The essay will be screened for plagiarism and AI-generated content.
  4. Scanned copies of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Note: If selected in the program, all original documents must be presented to the Department of Medical Education at Sindh Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) for verification.
  5. For applicants who are full-time employees, a scanned letter of permission from the relevant institutional head on a letterhead. This letter should state that he/she has institutional approval for attendance in all four modules at CBEC and participation in the distance learning components.
  6. Scan of one recent photograph.
  7. Two letters of recommendation addressed to Dr. Farhat Moazam, Chairperson, CBEC, SIUT. These should be emailed directly and in confidence to her by the referees to the following email addresses: & The letters should be from individuals in responsible positions who know the applicant and believe that he/she is suitable for pursuing formal education in bioethics. The referee should be willing to have a phone conversation with Dr. Moazam if required.

Enrolment in a Concurrent Program

Applications from individuals already enrolled in a program that overlaps with PGD will not be entertained.

Students enrolled in the PGD are not permitted to enroll in a concurrent program until they have completed all requirements of the PGD program.


CBEC-SIUT does not charge any tuition fee from students selected into the Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics (PGD) program. All reading material for courses is shared on Google docs and provided free of cost. Lunch, tea, and snacks are also provided free during the on-campus modules.


Subject to availability, free accommodation (without meals) may be offered at the SIUT residential apartments for out-of-town candidates on a twin sharing basis. The apartments provide free Wi-Fi for use by students.


Complementary daily transportation between the SIUT apartments and CBEC is provided for the duration of the modules in Karachi. Travel to and from Karachi for out-of-town students will be their own responsibility. CBEC-SIUT will however provide airport pick and drop services for non-Pakistani students to facilitate their arrival and departure. Pakistani students will be responsible for their transport arrangements to and from the Karachi airport. Several reliable radio cab services at the airport are easily available and can be utilized.

Facilities at CBEC

All four modules take place in CBEC in Karachi in a facilitative learning environment. CBEC is located on the 7th Floor of the Suleman Dawood Transplant Tower, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) on Yaqub Khan Road. Adequate workspaces, computers, internet access, a library and photocopying facilities are available on campus.