Pakistan Global Robotic Surgery Symposium

Jointly organized by Society of Robotic Surgery (SRS) and Pakistan Society of Robotic Surgeons (PSRS)

February 14-15, 2025

SIUT, Karachi - Pakistan


Friday, 14th February 2025

Time Event Speaker
08:30 - 09:00 Registration

Inaugural Session

Time: 09:00 - 09:30 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: Irfan Rizvi (USA)
09:00 - 09:05 Recitation Nasir Luck (Pakistan)
09:05 - 09:10 Inauguration Irfan Rizvi (USA)
09:10 - 09:15 Welcome Adib Rizvi (Pakistan)
09:15 - 09:20 Address by President PSRS Saeed Quraishy (Pakistan)
09:20 - 09:30 Robotic Surgery: Past, Present and Future Ghulam Abbas (USA)
Session 1: Urology I
Time: 09:30 - 11:00 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: Naveed Ahmed Mahar (Pakistan)
Time Topic Speaker
09:30 - 09:45 Advancements in Robot-assisted Pelvic Surgery: Hydro-dissection to Neo bladder Khurshid A Guru (USA)
09:45 - 10:00 Robot-Assisted Radical Cystectomy (RARC) with Intracorporeal Ileal Conduit (ICIC) Rehan Mohsin (Pakistan)
10:00 - 10:15 When and who should have a Robot? C Mallikarjuna (India)
10:15 - 10:30 Stepping into an era of robotic urological surgery in public sector tertiary care hospital Naresh Kumar (Pakistan)
10:30 - 10:45 Partial nephrectomy - Catching up with the standard Harris Qureshi (Pakistan)
10:45 - 11:00 Panel Discussion
Panelists: Khurshid A Guru, Rehan Mohsin, Naresh Kumar, Harris Qureshi

1100 - 1130 Tea Break

Session 2: Urology II
Time: 1130 - 1300 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: : Khurshid A Guru (USA)
Time Topic Speaker
1130 - 1145 Robotic Renal Transplant Pranjal Modi (India)
1145 - 1200 Can surgical robot be used in a more cost effective and evidence based manner at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan? Initial experience at a public sector hospital (PKLI) Nauman Zafar (Pakistan)
1200 - 1215 Improving prostatectomy to improve patient outcomes Imran Ahmad (United Kingdom)
1215 - 1230 Systematic management of unexpected findings Badar Mian (USA)
1230 - 1245 Simultaneous upper and lower urinary tract robotic surgery in patients with dual pathologies: Pushing the boundaries in Robotic Assisted surgery Saad Aldousari (Kuwait)
1245 - 1300 Panel Discussion
Panelists: Badar Mian, Rehan Mohsin, Nauman Zafar
1300 - 1345 Lunch and Prayer

Session 3: General Surgery
Time: 1345 - 1515 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: Sajida Qureshi (Pakistan)
Time Topic Speaker
1345 - 1400 Evolution of Bariatric Surgery in Pakistan Shahid Rasul (Pakistan)
1400 - 1415 Multi and single port robotic approaches to complex colorectal surgery Aimal Khan (USA)
1415 - 1430 Robotic Liver Transplant Adeel S Khan (USA)
1430 - 1445 Early robotic surgery experience in managing colorectal cancer Shadab Khan (Pakistan)
1445 - 1500 Surgery and Robotics: Challenges in Low Middle Income Countries Arsalan Khan (USA)
1500 - 1515 Panel Discussion
Panelists : Irfan Rizvi, Shahid Rasul, Adeel Khan, Shadab Khan
1515 - 1530 Tea Break

Session 4: Cardio-Thoracic, Gynecology and Hernia
Time: 1530 - 1715 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: Irfan Rizvi (USA)
Time Topic Speaker
1530 - 1545 An update on the Versius Robotic System Marc Slack (United Kingdom)
1545 - 1600 Robotic lung and esophageal surgery Ghulam Abbas (USA)
1600 - 1615 Robotic mitral valve repair Ghulam Murtaza (USA)
1615 - 1630 Multi spectrum robotic cardiac surgery: Expanding the indications Husam Balkhy (USA)
1630 - 1645 Role of robotics in gynecology oncology Samia Malik (Pakistan)
1645 - 1700 How robotic surgery supercharges abdominal wall hernia repairs: Benefiting patients, surgeons and healthcare systems Gao Linda Chen (USA)
1700 - 1715 Panel Discussion
Panelists: Ghulam Abbas, Ghulam Murtaza, Gao Linda Chen, Riffat Jaleel, Samia Malik
17:30 - 18:15 Premiere of Pakistan’s First Medical Documentary Web Series
"Precision Meets Purpose: Revolutionizing Surgery in Pakistan"

18:30 Dinner

Saturday, 15thth February 2025

Session 5: Data Science
Time: 0900 - 1030 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: Khurshid Guru (USA), Rehan Mohsin (Pakistan)
Time Topic Speaker
0900 - 0910 The spinning ‘wait’ icon of internet: Network and Tele/Cyber robotic surgery in Pakistan Javaid Iqbal (Pakistan)
0910 - 0920 Tele-surgery: The next frontier in Surgical Education and Healthcare Equity Vipul Patel (USA)
0920 - 0930 Can Pakistan leapfrog into Tele/Cyber Robotic surgery: A SWOT analysis Rashid Mazhar (Qatar)
0930 - 0940 The Digital Shift: AI and Virtual Tools in Medical Training Mahesh Kappanayil (India)
0940 - 0948 Oops, I made a mistake: Is Tele/Cyber robotic surgery ethical? Aamir Jafarey (Pakistan)
0948 - 0954 Is the ground ready? SWOT analysis of data infrastructure and its needs at SIUT Khurram Shahid (Pakistan)
0954 - 1000 Role of quality improvement sciences in tele/robotic surgery Anila Kazmi (Pakistan)
1000 - 1030 Panel Discussion Call of Actions!!! How do we get the ball rolling?
Panelists: Khurshid Guru, Ghulam Abbas, Irfan Rizvi, Rashid Mazhar, Aamir Jafarey, Khurram Shahid, Mahesh Kappanayil
1030 - 1100 Tea Break

Session 6: Education and Training
Time: 1100 - 1230 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: Shahid Rasul (Pakistan)
Time Topic Speaker
1100 - 1115 From learning to growth: Establishing Robotic Surgery in upper Sindh Naveed A Mahar (Pakistan)
1115 - 1130 Robotics in General Surgery: Ethical consideration and technical training essentials Sajida Qureshi (Pakistan)
1130 - 1145 Metaverse in Education Adnan Maqbool (Pakistan)
1145 - 1200 Empowering of Robotic Techs: Our perspective on training and their role in Robotic Surgery Junaid Khan (Pakistan)
1200 - 1215 Role of Surgical Technician in Robotic surgery and their future Andre Da Silva (UAE)
1215 - 1230 Panel Discussion:
Panelists: Adnan Maqbool, Sajida Qureshi, Naveed Mahar, Junaid Khan
Concluding Session
Time: 1230 - 1300 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)
Moderator: Khurshid Guru (USA)
Time Topic Speaker
1230 - 1250 The Future of robotic surgery and the challenges and opportunities it presents, especially for low- and middle-income countries Mani Menon (USA)
1250 - 1300 Concluding Remarks and Closing Ceremony Riaz Laghari (Pakistan)
1300 - 1345 Lunch